Jesus Work Ministry Links to other Websites
1. Other Authors Sounding the Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance Alarm Below are some websites and ministries I have listed that focus on spiritual warfare, distinguishing between true and false spiritual warfare. They may be worth visiting for more content and writing on spiritual warfare.
Their views are what we have embraced as spiritual warfare throughout history. It was only recently, in the early 1980’s, that a few of our fellow evangelicals began to claim a new understanding to scripture. I therefore support much, if not all their content on spiritual warfare. On the other hand, I’m unable to state any full agreement with other content they have on their websites. It was largely the spiritual warfare pages that were viewed. However, they are likely to be in line with true scriptural interpretation. They are evangelicals after all, a group many of us are part of in our various denominations.
1. Do We Have All Authority? By Mike Oppenheimer Oppenheimer examines the spiritual authority believers have been given in the light of beliefs that propose unlimited authority for believers.
2. Spiritual Warfare Evangelism: How Did We Get Here? By Dr. Orrel Steinkamp In the article Steinkamp summarizes the teaching and background of what has been called geographical or territorial spiritual warfare.
3. Spiritual Warfare, by Clifford Denton Denton writes that, “I am concerned that there may be a movement growing which has a very unreal view of prayer and spiritual gifts but which is, nevertheless, trying to conquer Satan with human effort. Such approaches are dangerous and, I am thinking more and more, unscriptural. There seems to be a wide gulf between the intimacy of prayer from brokenness, humility and need, expressed in the articles of this journal and the headstrong ideas of some who would take the world by forceful spiritual power…”
4. The Real Soul War: The Battle for Victorious Life & Relationships, by Sid Galloway With detailed scriptural references Galloway covers on what real spiritual warfare is. A major focus is on spiritual warfare over relationships. Dr Galloway directs a ministry for families known as Soulcare Family Ministries.
5. Just Give Me the Facts. Compiled by Renee Rodriguez What is The New Apostolic Reformation? What is the Prophetic? What Is Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare? What About the Terms Used in Spiritual Warfare, What Do They Mean? What is Deliverance Ministry?
6. True and False Salvation, by W.B. Howard This is part of a Bible course by Endtime Ministries. Howard begins by distinguishing between true and false salvation. Then he moves on to distinguishing between true and false spiritual warfare.
7. The Technology of Spiritual Warfare Evangelism, by Dr Orrel Steinkamp “Mapping the spirit world and its internal organization is not the assignment of the church. The great commission is not, “Go into all the world and bring down principalities -- but rather "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15. Our choice is very clear! We must follow the teachings of Jesus, and the practice of the Apostles as recorded in Scripture!...”
8. Territorial Warfare - Fact or Fiction? by Jeannette Haley, Gentle Shepherd Ministries Haley covers on the teachings and background of what has been called geographical or territorial spiritual warfare.
9. Territorial Spirits and Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical Perspective, by Eric Villanueva About Ephesians 6, Villanueva writes, “The weapons he lists for battle are: honesty, righteousness, witnessing, assurance of salvation, belief in God, and proficiency in the Scriptures. But wait, isn’t this simply obedient Christian living? Where’s the mystical mumbo jumbo - the direct encounter with the supernatural?…”
10. Misguided Focus on the Demonic: Commentary on Spiritual Mapping and Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare, by Rev. Kent Philpott
11. My Beliefs About Spiritual Warfare, by John Paul Jackson In this article, Pastor Jackson summarizes and defends what he wrote on spiritual warfare in his book, Needless Casualties of War. He says, “From the testimonies that our ministry receives, I am convinced that unnecessary heartache and harm is happening to many, simply because they are practicing spiritual warfare in a dangerous way…” Needless to say we do not agree with some extra-biblical teachings on the spirit realm that Pastor Jackson shares on his website. The spirit realm is indeed a controversial area. 12. Strange Spiritual Warfare, by David W. Cloud About binding and loosing Rev. Cloud says, “The devil can be resisted (James 4:7), but he cannot be bound today (1 Thess. 2:18 -We wanted to come to you--certainly I, Paul, did, again and again--but Satan stopped us)). Far from being bound, the devil is "walking about seeking whom he may devour" (1 Pet. 5:8). He will not be bound until he is cast into the Bottomless Pit when Jesus Christ returns to earth (Revelation 20). Ephesians 6 describes the whole armor of God against the devil, and absolutely nothing is said about binding the devil or identifying territorial spirits or any of the other practices in today’s spiritual warfare movement. 2. Pastor Bob DeWaay’s Articles on Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance How Deliverance Ministries Lead People to Bondage, by Bob DeWaay Pastor DeWaay writes from his long experience in certain practices of deliverance ministry and spiritual warfare that are a result of misinterpreted scriptures. His in-depth articles, sermons and work are helping many find the biblical truth and to be rescued from false teachings on spiritual warfare and deliverance areas. False Spiritual Warfare Teachings: How the Church Becomes Pagan, by Bob DeWaay Pastor DeWaay writes from his long experience in certain practices of deliverance ministry and spiritual warfare that are a result of misinterpreted scriptures. How Colossians Warns Against Spiritual Elitism and False Spiritual Warfare Teaching The Dishonoring of God in Popular Spiritual Warfare Teaching Binding and Loosing Part 1, False Spiritual Warfare Teachings (calls it "Star Wars" Theology) "I bind you, Satan!" is uttered in thousands of prayers every day in America. "Spiritual warfare" books that teach Christian how to "bind Satan" are hot sellers. Not only is Satan himself subject to continual verbal "binding," but a whole host of demons and "principalities and authorities" of the heavenly realm are also thus assaulted. Christians who practice this form of spiritual warfare hope to forestall calamities and sickness, convert loved ones, and turn cities, states and even the nation to righteousness. If binding Satan will do all this, we should put this new spiritual technology into practice.
However, if this practice is not Biblical, it may be more harmful than helpful. Those who teach and practice "binding and loosing" as verbal warfare against evil have several Biblical passages that they claim support the practice...more at: Binding and Loosing Part 2, False Spiritual Warfare Teachings 3. Other Ministry Sites, Including Partner Websites Heaven's Family Ministry webiste of Pastor David Servant, author of (among other books) Modern Myths about Satan and Spiritual Warfare Demonbuster website with Jesus as the demon Buster Refuge Ministries Refuge Ministries is a ministry with the purpose of reaching those that are involved in the occult, Satanism, Wicca and witchcraft. Refuge Ministries is headed by Jeff Harshbarger a former Satanist now follower of Jesus Christ. Refuge Ministries offers resources, Biblical counseling and the site contains well balanced articles on the various practices of the occult. Charities in Zambia, Africa Charities in Zambia, including Christian charities fighting poverty, effects of HIV/AIDS and other challenges in Zambia, Africa. Charities in Zimbabwe, Africa Charities in Zimbabwe, including Christian charities fighting poverty, effects of HIV/AIDS and other challenges in Zimbabwe, Africa. JesusNation Has a few links to gospel resources, including Jesus Work Ministry’s sites. Zambia, Africa at All about Zambia, people of Zambia, our culture, lifestyle, history, news, etc. A Zambian website with online resources and indirect evangelism, promoting charity, education, business, safari & tourism, music, etc.- including Christian resources. Gondwe Online - Sister site to A people network and resource website with free photo albums, free stuff, games, local & world news, etc. - including Christian resources. The Harvard Soul at The Harvard Soul, an online association for Harvard University students, faculty, Harvard alumni and Harvard community involved in nonprofit & charity work, foundations, philanthropy and public sector. A people network striving beyond mind and body to make a difference. Friendly Corner Convenience Store - A warm neighborhood store in Cambridge (North Cambridge), Massachusetts. It’s 2 miles from Harvard Square, right on Massachusetts Avenue. Eric is administering the website. The store is a worthy visit whenever you’re in Cambridge. 4. Other Recommended Websites BillBright Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ covers on one of the most important yet one of the most challenging Christian disciplines: fasting. He’ll give you no excuse for avoiding fasting. ChristiansUnite Offers hundreds of audio sermons (mainly in MP3 format) that can be downloaded. Also offers a diverse list of free Christian resources for all online Christian groups, including webmasters and webmistresses (webpublishers). (James 5:19-20) A discernment website: uncovering religious deception and religious psychological abuse in English, Deutsch and Italiano. “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.” James 5:19-20 Community Bible Church, Vallejo, CA Ministry webiste of Community Bible Church, under Pastor Steve Fernandez, author of Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Another Christian resource center. Has free Christian software and some at evangelism prices. For personal spiritual growth as well as evangelism purposes. A must see website for webpublishers and parents looking for Christian software. Vineyard Church of Lewiston Vineyard Church of Lewiston, ME, has great audio and text sermons that can be downloaded. Worthwhile for those still living behind fortressed denominational walls. Vineyard embraces both Baptist and Pentecostal diehards. Other evangelicals will have no problems. Peninsula Bible Church Ray C. Stedman, David H. Roper and other speakers from Peninsula Bible Church (PBC) of Palo Alto, California have hundreds of great audio sermons (MP3 format) that can be downloaded. |